CORAF 03 August 2016 /
From 26 to 29 July 2016 CORAF/WECARD has facilitated the training workshop for heads of monitoring and evaluation units of WAAPP / PPAAO Mali in monitoring and evaluation / results-based management in Banankoro, 20 km from Bamako. The workshop brought together 20 researchers from WAAPP Mali implementing agencies and was facilitated by Patrice Leumeni, M&E Regional Offiicer of WAAPP based at CORAF/WECARD.
This mission is in line with the recommendation of the World Bank to CORAF / WECARD to support Mali in the implementation of its monitoring and evaluation system. For Dr Tahirou TANGARA, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Manager of the National Committee of Agricultural Research "This support will allow WAAPP-Mali to improve its performance through a better understanding of the results framework and indicators of WAAPP." In fact, during the first support missions held this year 2016 and its review meeting, the performance of WAAPP Mali was rated as Moderately Satisfactory (MS) compared to other recipient countries of WAAPP.
In addition to the training in M&E, the expert of CORAF /WECARD held a working session with the M&E team of WAAPP-Mali to diagnose and restructure the M&E system put in place from August 1-2, 2016.