CORAF 01 June 2016 /
"Gathering a community of researchers and research professors from various countries in West Africa and France to conduct, in partnership, research, teaching, training on specific topics ...", this the goal of the Centre for international cooperation in agronomic research for development (CIRAD), CORAF, and 7 research institutions (ISRA of Senegal, IER of Mali, INERA of Burkina Faso, INRAN of Niger, Montpellier SupAgro in France and University of Thies) through the creation of a research system and education in partnership (DP).
The agreement signed marked the official creation of this system. It took place on May 26 in Thies by President Director General of CIRAD, Dr. Michel Eddi, the Executive Director of CORAF, Dr. Abdou Tenkouano and the Director General of ISRA, Dr Alioune Fall.
The partners signed the agreement to constitute a system for innovation and varietal improvement in West Africa (IAVAO). This will contribute through research, teaching and training to the development of agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa while conserving natural resources (soil, water and plant and animal biodiversity) and valuing environmental services of agricultural systems in savannah areas. The geographic scope of the system concerns Sahelian and Sudanese areas of West Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal) where the cultivation of dry cereals such as millet, sorghum, groundnut and cowpea is predominant. The research and training program is structured around three topics: the understanding of plant breeding system, genetic analysis and varietal improvement and innovation management and varietal adoption.
The organization of this system comprises a Steering Committee, a scientific council and a coordination and management Unit
CORAF/WECARD plays a key role in this system with its experience in regional coordination of WAAPP and support to NCoS for dry cereals such as CERAAS.